Well after much reading of information after taking the Clomid, I realized the side effects you have aren't necessarily going on during the time you take it, but all of the rest of the month as well. I have been fairly moody, but have had the worst headaches of my life this last couple of weeks since taking that medicine. Not a medication in the world seems to even dim the pain. I am enjoying the hot flashes in the evenings. (I am always cold and have never been hot in my whole life!) Poor A, she is taking a beating with my moodiness! Hope we are successful this time!
I had an US this Saturday (cd12) which showed I had two follicles ~20mm on the left and a few smaller ones on the right. The nurse practitioner seemed happy with the results of the clomid and asked how I felt. I told her about the headaches and hot flashes and she said those were common.
Luckily being a nurse, I have a friend that I work with that gives me the HCG shot. I took this last night and we are planning an IUI in the morning on Tuesday. Maybe this will be the time!!
Wish us luck!
8 years ago
good luck!!!!! Much baby dust sent your way.. I hope the headaches stop soon, that is horrible.