We went in for the IUI yesterday (March 24) and it was fairly uneventful. I was having a slight twinge the night before in my ovaries. I read this is common with Clomid. After the IUI I came home and then started to have the worst cramps and ovulation pain ever! I guess Clomid worsens this pain. ( I also am thinking this is good timing wise though) However, I was in a ball on the couch and in quite a bit of pain. Would loved to have taken about 800mg of Ibuprofen, but am told I am not allowed to touch the stuff during the TWW. My RE said that there was actually only 1 folly, not 2 like we were previously told, and that if there was next time, we would increase the dose of Clomid to 150mg. Just great! As if my head didn't hurt bad enough this time! Can't wait to feel the pain of multiple eggs popping!! Hopefully this is it and we don't have to worry anymore.
The chicks note.....Every year I pull out an incubator I bought years ago. There is a company in Georgia I purchase quail eggs from and then hatch them in the spring every year. It was become a tradition and they have about a week left right now. It' s fun to watch them hatch and then watch them grow a few weeks before we release them on a farm close to us!! Happy Spring!!
8 years ago