Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A Terrible Day

Yesterday I called the RE's office to let them know I was cd2 and was expecting them to call in my increased dose of clomid to try the next round when I was told for the first time I needed to have an u/s cd2 or 3 before going to the next cycle. Would have been great to know! Not cool in the middle of the day when they tell you to come within the hour to get you in when you called their office as soon as it opened to tell them your part of the deal. Whatever I guess.

So I go in for the u/s and apparently now have cyst on my right ovary from the clomid. Again, never even told that this was a possibility of a side effect. Apparently this is a common side effect, but we were never told about it. The best part is that I have to totally sit out this month and wait to let if hopefully go away on it's own. A was at work while this went on and I just sat and cried in the RE office. No one was even close to being empathetic and it totally sucked. I am pretty burnt out and had enough for right now. I really hope this is gone so we can try again next month.....

Monday, April 6, 2009

And the chicks win

After horrid cramping and a slight bit of spotting, I started yesterday much to my dismay. I guess I should be ready to push ahead, but I am starting to get very discouraged. They were going to almost double the clomid this month. I am not looking forward to any part of that. I have placed the call to the office and am waiting for the nurse to call me back with the next steps...
On the flip side, my baby chicks did hatch and are adorable. We now have 5 cortunix quail and today when I work up, 6 Bobwhite quail had hatched!! They are too cute. I guess I can hatch something, just not my own eggs....